Caséta by Lutron. Smart lighting at the switch.
With Caséta smart dimmers and switches, you don’t need to buy smart bulbs to enjoy smart lighting. And since each dimmer switch can control multiple bulbs, you get a lot more control with a lot less investment.

Make your regular bulbs smart
Do you want to change the color of your light or only have one bulb you want to control? A smart bulb could be a good option for you.
When you are looking for control of multiple bulbs, that’s where Caséta smart switches really shine. That’s because Caséta works by putting the brains in the switch where you’ve always had control, letting you keep the bulbs you already have — instead of buying all new ones.
Even better, a single dimmer* or switch can control multiple lights and fixtures giving you more smart lighting control at a fraction of what it’d cost to replace your bulbs.
*For dimming, you’ll need dimmable bulbs. Switches work with almost any type of bulb.

Make your regular bulbs smart
Smart bulbs are smart — that is until someone accidentally flips off the switch, or the Wi-Fi goes down. When that happens, you lose smart control. No wonder so many people resort to taping the light switch to keep it in the on position. (Looking for an elegant solution to that problem? Look no further than the Aurora smart bulb dimmer from Lutron.)
But Caséta is different.
We’ve built smart lighting control that puts the brains in the switch and doesn’t rely on your Wi-Fi. That means our smart lighting always stays connected so you never lose smart control of the lights — even if the switch is off or the Wi-Fi goes down. So put the tape away and rest easy that you’ll always have control of the lights.
More points of control
With Caséta, you have more ways to control your lights — in the app, with your voice, with the smart remote, and at the switch. That means anyone can control the lights simply and easily. No apps, passwords, and Wi-Fi required.